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- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Huh, ~KICK IT~
- You doubt my sanity do you!? HA HA, well I laugh at your doubts, if
- the government and their 'Quacks' couldn't prove I was insane how do
- you expect to do it. (NO..Please Not the rubber ducks; NOT THE RUBBER
- ...It's okay, I'm calm, not dangerous at all, oh no! and I have my
- voices to tell me that nice voices, yes I love my meat cleaver yes,
- yes... I do. Do you know, I used think I was schizophrenic, now I'm
- in two minds about it! I'll tell you why.
- As Einstein concluded, time and space are relative to the observers
- movements and position in both. In theory he believed, time tells
- space how to curve and in turn, space tells time how to move. HE WAS
- WRONG!!!!
- The space time time continuium is not mearly curved by the
- expondential elements of theoretical numbers OH NO!, but is in fact
- totally smegging warped. (Not unlike my good self!)
- Sorry I'm drivelling, too much illusion. You do know reality is an
- illusion caused by lack of alcohol don't you?
- Ah those recreational pharmacuticals are kicking in, I'll be alright
- in a moment or twelve.
- Here we go calm now, calmmmmm. I only have one question:
- "If brains were cotton wool, could Norman Lamont make a tampon for a
- canary?" I'll guess we'll never know the answer to that one.
- S'okay now, S'okay, I'm back to normal, or at least what passes for
- normal around here. Normality is more of an abject concept her in
- Birmingham. Any city where the birds morning chorus is a cacophony of
- hacking coughs is bound by other laws than norm.
- Anyway, how's life in Walsall, (I always thought that was in Poland.
- Still you live and learn eh.) By the way sorry to disagree with you,
- (No your not. Yes I am. Your not! shush he'll hear! Now where was I,
- oh yes.) But the pink fluffy ones are not the best, the white fluffy
- one are tighter, and squeal more. (Or are we talking about something
- different?) ..Or so I've heard, Oh by the way my girlfriend sends
- her regards, or at least that's what I think BAHH BAHHH means. Adds
- a whole new meaning to the words ram raiders, don't you think? (You
- fool you've done it again! Sorry.)
- Just pulling your leg, and from Birmingham to Walsall I must have
- long arms, God I'm sorry, bypassed my humour chip and went straight
- into Russ Abbott mode, nasty that, I must get something done about it.
- @3 You'll notice I have dropped the prices for readers of ZAM to £1.00 per disk inc P&P. Which I think you'll agree makes us one of
- cheapest libraries in Britain.
- I'll leave you with these simple thoughts.
- 1) If girls are made of sugar and spice and all things nice, why do
- they smell of fish?
- 2) Never eat yellow snow.
- 3) Love thy neighbour, but use thy condom!
- 4) Never replace your mouse ball with a well sucked gobstopper.
- 5) What ever happened to Danger mouse?
- 6) Ugly women are best. (No matter how lousy you are in bed they're
- always grateful!)
- 7) Any day you can worry a norm, upset a crossing lady, or show a PC
- user up has not been completely wasted!
- 8) Jesus saves, but Moses scores on the rebound!
- 9) If you leave your sandwiches in a Skoda does it become a Lada?
- 10) Rincewind for Archmage, Arthur Dent for president of the universe,
- Rimmer for Smeghead of the year, and me next for the VODKA!
- CIAO Earthling
- Bob Powell, (A.K.A. The Masked Artist.)
- B33 OPE.
- Ex. of the 2nd city Wrecking crew, Ex. of the Darkling Lords
- appreciation society, Ex. of the believers in the reconcilation. Ex.
- marks the spot. (As indeed does clearasil.)
- --------------------------
- To prove that you are a ZAM reader, you'll have to say "ZAM, ZAM, it's
- better than JAM !" This is to stop those sad people who don't read this
- mag from taking up the wonderful 1 quid a disk offer from Computer and
- Design Services. If you do read ZAM and you get it the second it's
- released, just write down that catch-phrase when you order from Bob
- at C+DS ! Hokay !?
- I must also use this space to say "GET THE AMIGA USER GROUP
- INTERNATIONAL REGISTER !!!!" from C+DS ! It lists the hottest groups
- around and it's mega-sponastical value-for-money !
- Okay clever people, I know that the catchphrase can be spread about
- faster than a cracked game ! If you're a REAL ZAM reader, you wouldn't
- dream of doing such a thing !!